Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jamhuri Day

Dec 11th
Kenya gained their Independance from Britian on December 11th 1963, and formed a Republic the following year. They celebrate it every year as Jamhuri (Republic) day. Nothing much happens. A few politicians make a few speeches is all. I'm off to Voi to see where Chris lives so will spend he day in transit.

I found Monday tough this week. Felt like I was chasing people around the place and moving from thing to thing getting nothing of much consequence done. But as usual another urgent request came from above and Wednesday and Thursday were mad busy. I got my holidays approved for Christmas by the boss man so I'll have Christmas and New Year week off.
News from home is that the Duggan clan have bought 2 goats. One is off to Malawa (Uncle John) and the other Kenya (The rest of the family and significant others). I'm not sure what I'll say when the mother asks what I'm feeding the goats! Just kidding ;-) I kind of got misty eyed when I heard. I feel it was a real statement of support. (Although, seriously Ma, I don't actually get the goats).

The building manager James finally sent someone around to cut the grass (What with the rain it's been growing at a savage rate). All done by hand of course. I took the Lad out a cup of sprite on my break. He is now officially my best mate. I better get on and start packing for Voi. Planning to do a bit of hiking so better pack my factor 50.


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